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Plugins add global-level functionality to Vue Test Utils' API. This is the official way to extend Vue Test Utils' API with custom logic, methods, or functionality.

Some use cases for plugins:

  1. Aliasing existing public methods
  2. Attaching matchers to the Wrapper instance
  3. Attaching functionality to the Wrapper

Wrapper Plugin

Using a Plugin

Install plugins by calling the config.plugins.VueWrapper.install() method . This has to be done before you call mount.

The install() method will receive an instance of WrapperAPI containing both public and private properties of the instance.

// setup.js file
import { config } from '@vue/test-utils'

// locally defined plugin, see "Writing a Plugin"
import MyPlugin from './myPlugin'

// Install a plugin onto VueWrapper

You can optionally pass in some options:

config.plugins.VueWrapper.install(MyPlugin, { someOption: true })

Your plugin should be installed once. If you are using Jest, this should be in your Jest config's setupFiles or setupFilesAfterEnv file.

Some plugins automatically call config.plugins.VueWrapper.install() when they're imported. This is common if they're extending multiple interfaces at once. Follow the instructions of the plugin you're installing.

Check out awesome-vue for a collection of community-contributed plugins and libraries.

Writing a Plugin

A Vue Test Utils plugin is simply a function that receives the mounted VueWrapper or DOMWrapper instance and can modify it.

Basic Plugin

Below is a simple plugin to add a convenient alias to map wrapper.element to wrapper.$el

// setup.js
import { config } from '@vue/test-utils'

const myAliasPlugin = (wrapper) => {
  return {
    $el: wrapper.element // simple aliases

// Call install on the type you want to extend
// You can write a plugin for any value inside of config.plugins

And in your spec, you'll be able to use your plugin after mount.

// component.spec.js
const wrapper = mount({ template: `<h1>🔌 Plugin</h1>` })
console.log(wrapper.$el.innerHTML) // 🔌 Plugin

Data Test ID Plugin

The below plugin adds a method findByTestId to the VueWrapper instance. This encourages using a selector strategy relying on test-only attributes on your Vue Components.



  <MyForm class="form-container" data-testid="form">
    <MyInput data-testid="name-input" v-model="name" />


const wrapper = mount(MyComponent)
wrapper.findByTestId('name-input') // returns a VueWrapper or DOMWrapper

Implementation of the plugin:

import { config, DOMWrapper} from '@vue/test-utils'

const DataTestIdPlugin = (wrapper) => {
  function findByTestId(selector) {
    const dataSelector = `[data-testid='${selector}']`
    const element = wrapper.element.querySelector(dataSelector)
    return new DOMWrapper(element)

  return {


Stubs Plugin

The config.plugins.createStubs allows to overwrite the default stub creation provided by VTU.

Some use cases are:

  • You want to add more logic into the stubs (for example named slots)
  • You want to use different stubs for multiple components (for example stub components from a library)


config.plugins.createStubs = ({ name, component }) => {
  return defineComponent({
    render: () => h(`custom-${name}-stub`)

This function will be called everytime VTU generates a stub either from

const wrapper = mount(Component, {
  global: {
    stubs: {
      ChildComponent: true


const wrapper = shallowMount(Component)

But will not be called, when you explicit set a stub

const wrapper = mount(Component, {
  global: {
    stubs: {
      ChildComponent: { template: '<child-stub/>' }

Using the plugin with TypeScript

To use your custom wrapper plugin with TypeScript you have to declare your custom wrapper function. Therefore, add a file named vue-test-utils.d.ts with the following content:

import { DOMWrapper } from '@vue/test-utils';

declare module '@vue/test-utils' {
  interface VueWrapper {
    findByTestId(testId: string): DOMWrapper[];

Featuring Your Plugin

If you're missing functionality, consider writing a plugin to extend Vue Test Utils and submit it to be featured at Vue Community Guide or awesome-vue.

Released under the MIT License.